JSONL Converter: Easily Convert CSV to JSONL and Vice Versa


JSONL, short for JSON Lines, is a format used for storing structured data, where each line is a valid JSON object. JSONL is used when dealing with large datasets, as it is more memory-efficient and allows for easy streaming of data. However, working with JSONL files can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the format. That’s why we’ve created the JSONL Converter, a free online tool that makes it easy to convert CSV files to JSONL and vice versa.

JSONL File Preview:

How to Use the JSONL Converter

The JSONL Converter is a simple tool that allows you to import CSV files, edit, format, and export them as JSONL files. To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Import your CSV file – (optional)

To import your CSV file, click on the “Choose File” button, select your file, and click “Open.” Once you have uploaded your file, the tool will automatically convert it to JSONL format and display it in the preview area.

  1. Add or Edit Entries

To add or edit entries, simply enter the data in the “Prompt” and “Completion” fields, and click on the “Add” or “Update” buttons, respectively. You can edit any entry by selecting it from the preview area, making changes, and clicking the “Update” button.

  1. Format Data for Upload

If you plan to use your data for machine learning, you need to format it correctly. The JSONL Converter has a built-in feature that formats the data to ensure that it works correctly with machine learning models. To format the data for upload, click the “Format for Upload” button.

  1. Download your JSONL or CSV file

Once you have made all the changes you need, you can download your file as a JSONL or CSV file. To do this, click on the “Download JSON” or “Export CSV” button.

Features of the JSONL Converter

  1. Import CSV files easily

The JSONL Converter allows you to import CSV files easily. The tool automatically detects the columns and rows and converts them to JSONL format.

  1. Add, edit, and delete entries

The tool allows you to add, edit, and delete entries with ease. You can select an entry from the preview area, edit it, and click the “Update” button to save your changes.

  1. Format data for machine learning models

The JSONL Converter has a built-in feature that formats the data to ensure that it works correctly with machine learning models. This feature adds special characters to the end and beginning of each prompt and completion to help the models understand the data better.

  1. Download JSONL or CSV files

Once you have made all the changes you need, you can download your file as a JSONL or CSV file. This feature allows you to use your data in other applications easily.

  1. Search through the data

The tool allows you to search through your data easily. The search feature allows you to filter your data based on a search term.

If you work with structured data, you know how important it is to have the right tools. The JSONL Converter is a free online tool that allows you to convert CSV files to JSONL and vice versa easily. The tool also allows you to edit, format, and download your data quickly. Whether you are a data scientist, a machine learning engineer, or a software developer, the JSONL Converter is an essential tool to have in your toolbox.

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