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How AI’s GPTs will impact the workforce: A new study explores the implications

A recent study conducted by OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania explores the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce. The study reveals that the evolution of Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) language models, like ChatGPT, will have a significant impact on the workforce, with around 80% of workers being impacted by GPTs. The study highlights that while AI can improve the efficiency of the labor force, GPTs will have an increasing impact on the workforce in the future.

The Impacts of GPTs on the Workforce

The study suggests that GPTs will impact around 80% of workers, with at least 10% of their work tasks being impacted by the invention of ChatGPT. In addition, 19% of workers may have half or more of their work impacted by it. The study does not distinguish between labour-augmenting or labour-displacing effects, but it notes that higher-income jobs have greater exposure to AI language tools. The study defines exposure by reducing the human time to complete a task by at least 50%.

According to the study, GPTs are likely to help workers become more efficient rather than replacing them. The study suggests that GPTs will be most useful for tasks that require complex problem-solving skills and knowledge in specialized fields. Jobs that require analytical skills, such as mathematicians, interpreters, accountants, legal secretaries, writers, and authors, are less likely to be replaced by GPTs. In contrast, blue-collar workers are less likely to be impacted by AI language tools.

Challenges for Policymakers

The study suggests that as the capabilities of GPTs continue to evolve, the impact of AI on the economy will likely persist and increase, posing challenges for policymakers in predicting and regulating their trajectory. Policymakers will need to address social, economic, regulatory, and other factors that influence actual labor productivity outcomes.

The study also notes that while GPTs can make human labour more efficient, policymakers must consider the ethical implications of using these technologies. AI language tools can be used to automate tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or harmful to workers. However, policymakers must ensure that workers are not replaced by machines and that workers are trained to work with AI.

The Future of AI in the Workforce

The study concludes that GPTs will have a significant impact on the workforce in the future, making tasks more efficient and enabling workers to focus on more complex tasks. As AI technology continues to evolve, policymakers will need to address the ethical implications of using AI in the workforce.

The study emphasizes that GPTs are still evolving, and the full extent of their impact on the workforce is yet to be seen. However, it is clear that GPTs will have a significant impact on the workforce, and policymakers will need to address the challenges that arise from the integration of AI into the workforce.

Overall, the study provides insights into the implications of GPTs on the workforce, highlighting the need for policymakers to address the ethical and regulatory challenges posed by these technologies. While GPTs are likely to improve the efficiency of the labour force, policymakers must ensure that workers are not replaced by machines and that workers are trained to work with AI. As AI technology continues to evolve, policymakers will need to remain vigilant and proactive in regulating the use of AI in the workforce.

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